Book Habits

The Friday Times has started a section in their weekly in which it used to ask questions to the famous people about their book habits. I was tempted and decided to answer those questions on my blog; however, didn’t get time to do this sooner. But when I found the questionnaire on the Goodreads I couldn’t resist myself.

Q: Hardback or Paperback?
A: Both.

Q: Locally owned bookshop or big name chain store?
A: I usually buy from a big chain store as I work in one.

Q: Bookmark or dog-ear?
A: Dog-ear? Never! Bookmarks.

Q: Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
A: Randomly. I prefer that the colours of spines and the height match.

Q: Keep, throw away, or sell?
A: Keep!

Q: Keep dust jacket or toss it?
A: oh I just love the dust jackets.

Q: Read with dust jacket or remove it?
A: I remove it while reading (to prevent damage) and put it back on when it rests on the shelf.

Q: Short story or novel?
A: Novel.

Q: Collection (short stories by the same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)?
A: Although I am not a fan of short stories. But have read Collection and Anthologies both. I think I will prefer anthology to taste different flavours.

Q: Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
A: one more page…until I doze off.

Q: “It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
A: Although the first one appeals but Once Upon a Time has its own charm.

Q: Buy or borrow?
A: Buy.

Q: New or used?
A: New. Used, in case don’t have enough amount to buy new.

Q: Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?
A: Though I like to get recommendations but most of the time I follow my instinct while browsing.

Q: Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
A: I am such an emotional wreck that I feel unable to start a new book for days because I live in the last book’s (with the tidy ending) world. A cliffhanger will be a mental trauma.

Q: Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading?
A: All day, everyday.

Q: Single volume or series?
A: Single. Though I like Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Q: Favorite series?
A: Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It is the only series I read.

Q: Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
A: *thinking

Q: Favorite books read last year?
A: Errr…this is difficult. I read five books in total. And, all were very good but I think the best one was… *thinking…confuse….there is a tie between Mrs Funnybones and Me Before You.

Q: Favorite books of all time?
A: Oh! *sigh…there are many…to name a few…Peer-e-Kamil, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Wonder, … Mrs Funnybones, Me Before You…the list is quite big indeed!

Feel free to answer all the above questions or some in the comments below. I will love to read the responses of other book lovers.

These questions were found on Goodreads:

The Long Haul

As soon as I saw The Long Haul on the display I picked a copy for me. And, devoured each word within three days.

Talking of its hard copy, another pop colour, orange, which is quite attractive and appealing. At the                                  maxresdefaultend of the book there are 2 exclusive bag tags as well to flaunt the boring bags and to show the craziness for the Wimpy Kid series.

This time Heffley family plans a ‘holiday’ so that everyone can spend a quality time with each other. As obvious, Greg was not happy at all. The holiday, planned by MOM turned out a total failure.

This time Greg’s journal entries cover the journey (ship, van), accommodation (one bed) and food (cinnamon role heheheehee) during ‘the long haul’. As always Rodrick is smarter than the wimpy kid and takes the best place to sit, to sleep and the things he likes to eat. Manny as in previous book was outstanding getting whatever he wants and the way he wants. MoM and Dad are found as meek, innocent as they were in previous book. So, I was expecting hilarious and fun read. But, found a lackness of punches comparing to the previous books.

It can be said that since Greg is maturing therefore, encountering less hilarious situations. Though, the ‘pig’ scene, the hairy family, Rodrick sock (yuck) scene, which reminded me of “cheese touch” of Book 1, were written well.

On the whole, I enjoyed the book but not as much as The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rodrick Rules, Dog Days.

I missed Rowley 😦

I missed all the school scenes *sigh*

If you have read all the “Wimpy” books than do read so that you can flaunt your record :p