
I don’t know why I did not come across Anne Fine before.

While wandering in a book shop in search of something good to read I discovered fresh stock of Anne Fine’s titles. With loud colours and quirky illustrations Anne Fine’s “goggle eyes” caught my attention instantly. And, after reading the back blurb I decided to get lost in it.

Anne Fine writes for teen-agers; a little late for me as I have crossed that phase a long ago (it’s not my mistake I didn’t know about Anne Fine those days). Written in a first person narrative, Goggle-Eyes is a story of a girl, Kitty, whose mother’s attention diverts to her new boyfriend, Gerald Faulkner aka goggle eyes. And, to her dismay, her sister Judith also develops liking for him.

The novel starts with Helly (Kitty’s classmate), crying and talking to nobody. Mrs. Lupey, the teacher, knowing why Helly is upset, instructs Kitty to accompany her when Helly runs out from class unexpectedly. Kitty soon learns the reason of Helly’s mad behavior and soothes her by telling her very own story.

Kitty and her sister, Jude lives with their mother happily though their parents are separated. It’s not the first time that her mother is having a boyfriend but this time it’s someone for whom Rosalind, Kitty’s mother, neglects her children which makes Kitty offensive towards Gerald even before getting to know him. One the other hand, Jude becomes friend of Gerald in the first meeting. The story progresses as Gerald starts interfering in Kitty’s life which makes her life terrible.

Anne has so beautifully carved the story that the reader can actually sense the feelings of Kitty. She has showed how children feel if their love is shared between their parents and some stranger. How they react to the person they don’t like but at the same time are getting close to their parents day by day. Will things get better? Will Kitty ever see Gerald out of their house? Will they be friends? What was Helly’s story? Read the book and find the answers. Mark my words: you will not regret.

This small book teaches a lot of important lesson about life. It portrays that at times few things appear ghastly but with time it is realized they are not as much horrible as we thought. It also shows the different facets of relationships and love and affection. And, shows how changing of perspective make life things better.

The language is easy, the style is simple. It is an entertaining and interesting read. Humorous, sentimental, touchy and witty, it is going to make you feel light headed, happy and contended.

I am looking forward to read more of Anne Fine.

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