How to get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia

Finally, I have finished reading How to get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid. Have read and heard a lot about this so was a little more excited than usual (also because the writer is Pakistani, so it boost my interest to read an author with whom I can connect in some way).


At the first glance, it appears to be a self-help book but when one snuggles into it he finds that it is a fiction novel like any other but with a very different style of narration.

If it is said that Mohsin Hamid had adopted a very new style of narration for the contemporary world of fiction, it would not be wrong. Written in a second person narrative this book deals with the life story of a man who opens his eyes in a slum and through his hard work, effort and a bit of sharpness transforms into a millionaire. During his journey he falls in love, gets married, produce a child and reaches to his final destination.

I did not find the plot something out of this world nor was the story something-not-told-before. The ‘thing’ which pulled me or kept me reading the whole book was the diction of Hamid.

Regretfully, after reading so much appreciation, it is not one of my favourites or not even a book I like but I appreciate the beauty of the language, diction and style Hamid used.

I will recommend it to those who are avid readers and enjoy a good book rather than to people like me who gets upset at the death of the protagonist or the disunion of hero and heroine.

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